Coke Zero Calories: Truth Revealed

Coca cola zero 1

Coke Zero is currently available in the market as Coca-Cola zero sugar, a healthier version of the original sugar-based beverage. The brand claimed that it contains zero calories and sugar. Although Coca-Cola Zero is trying to reduce their sugar usage to look after customers' health, it is a good choice for people who avoid sugary drinks.

The company adds artificial sweeteners in place of the sugar in this variant of Coke. Therefore, it is suitable for the people who are on a diet and are following a diet plan. It ensures the original taste but with zero calories. That's why you shouldn't be worried about gaining extra pounds.

Ingredients of Coke Zero

Coke Zero has zero nutritional value.

It contains 0% calories, fats, proteins and sugars. In addition, sodium and potassium are included as the 2% of the daily value.

Zero sugar contains aspartame and acesulfame potassium sweetener. The other ingredients are carbonated water, caramel color food additives and natural flavors.

Coke Zero Calories and Weight Loss

Research has proved that artificial sweeteners may contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome, which causes severe disorders.

Research studies show that people above the age of 21 who drink artificially sweetened beverages almost double their risk of obesity and other severe disorders, so it is beneficial for them to consume coke with zero calories if they are planning on having drinking soft drinks. In addition, a study has observed that the people who drink diet beverages despite their increase in weight, artificial sweetness may influence body weight in other ways than gaining calories.

Artificial sweeteners aren't natural or beneficial for weight management, which is an advantage. However, sugary beverages are bad for health.

In addition, these drinks can increase your weight rapidly. So it is a better option to choose coke with zero calories.

Difference between Coke Zero and Coca Cola Zero Sugar

There is a minor difference between Coke Zero and Coca Cola zero sugar beverages. Both of them contain the same sweeteners and have zero calories. The only change is the natural flavor's composition.

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Cons of Coca Cola Zero Sugar

Coca-Cola zero calories has advantages of weight loss. It also has disadvantages which are listed below

Kidney Problems

Artificial sweeteners contain a high amount of phosphorus which leads to kidney damage. It has been observed that those people who drink more than seven glasses of diet soda per week have a greater risk of kidney disorders.


The people who use Coca-Cola daily have a significant risk of osteoporosis because it lowers the bone minerals.

Heart diseases

People linked with artificial sweeteners have a high risk of heart diseases, primarily common in women.

Disturb the Blood Sugar Control

Due to the intake of artificially sweetened beverages, these drinks change your gut microbiome, which in turn causes poor blood sugar control in the body.


Coke zero sugar does not add any nutritional value to your diet, so it does not cause weight gain. However, the long-term effects of drinking diet soda are not appropriately identified, and the researchers are still working on how long term consumption of diet soda affects the body.